Sleep Well Clinic
Start the REST of your life
Sleep tests, consultations, and therapy for all sleep problems including snoring, obstructive sleep apnoea, and insomnia
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Our approach
The health professionals at the SLEEP WELL CLINIC provide comprehensive assessment and treatment services throughout New Zealand for children and adults suffering sleep disorders such as SNORING, SLEEP APNOEA, INSOMNIA, and PARASOMNIAS
Start the rest of your life!
SLEEP WELL CLINIC are available throughout New Zealand for face-to-face or video or phone consultations after testing.
We courier our sleep-test equipment and therapy devices so you can use them in the comfort of your own bed. In the main centres we have consultation clinics accomodating a wide range of diagnostic testing and treatment services for snoring, sleep apnoea, insomnia, sleep/wake cycles, restless legs, and others. We take referrals from specialists or general practitioners, but because we have our own doctors and sleep physiologists we also take self-referrals.
Call the SLEEP WELL CLINIC clincial support team on 0800227533 to speak to our Clinical Support Team to find out how we can help you sleep well now.
Sleep and Health
Disordered sleep can be associated with many common health problems:
High blood pressure
Daytime sleepiness
Lowered immune system
Decreased libido
Increased irritability
Increased pain sensitivity
Poor sleep can be caused by many health problems. But sometimes, the poor sleep comes first, and contributes to to other health problems. It can be a real chick-or-the-egg situation. Sleep has an impact on so many of our underlying metabolic processes because they all need sleep to restore, repair damage, and recalibrate ready for the next day.
Don't hesitate to contact SLEEP WELL CLINIC for more information about sleep and health.
Snoring can always be treated, but different people are more suited to particular treatments. The Sleep Well Clinic will take a comprehensive history and use a home sleep study to find the right snoring treatment for you.
Sleep Apnoea
Obstructive sleep apnoea occurs when snoring has become bad enough that the airway is sucked shut for up to a minute at a time, repeatedly throughout the night. The Sleep Well Clinic will test for and treat sleep apnoea.
Insomnia includes all forms of difficulty getting to or staying asleep. Insomnia can affect anyone at different times and includes shift workers and sufferers from jet lag. The Sleep Well Clinic will help you control your insomnia.
Dr Alex Bartle
MB, BS, FRNZCGP, Dip Obst, MM (Sleep Medicine)
Dr Alex Bartle completed a Master's degree in Sleep Medicine through Sydney University and established the SLEEP WELL CLINIC in 2000.
Since then he has been joined throughout the country by medical colleagues equally convinced of the importance sleeping well has on being well.
Dr Bartle is also available for public speaking, seminars, and workshops on the health and safety aspects of sleep and sleep disorders.
SLEEP WELL CLINIC is New Zealand's leading private sleep service.
- an interview with Dr Bartle about the interaction between sleep, sleep disorders, performance, and health
Optimizing your sleep for performance and health - interview with Dr Alex Bartle
Direct Contact…
Sleep tests, consultations, and therapy for all sleep problems
Call our clinical support team directly on 0800227533
Office Hours
phone: 0800 22 75 33
email: contact@sleepwellclinic.co.nz
Sleep Well Clinic is a Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider of sleep services. General Practitioners or other Healthcare providers can send referrals via MedTech or Indici using ERMS, CareSelect, or the Specialists & Referrals system, or e-mail directly
EDI: sleepdoctors
email: doctor@sleepwellclinic.co.nz
… or Therapy Shop
Sleep Well Clinic provides sales and full clinical support for sleep therapy products such as CPAP therapy including travel CPAP, parts, and accessories, myAirvo humidifiers, light therapy glasses, and Ōura sleep monitor rings
We have physical premises in Christchurch, Nelson, Auckland, and affiliated outlets in Palmerston North, and Whangārei. We encourage people to phone the Clinical Support Team on 0800227533 to discuss their specific needs.
We also offer Sleep Well Therapy, our online shopping site, for online purchases, click-and-collect, or to view items before placing a phone order.
“... everywhere I ever went for help before they always threw me in the too hard basket and never really cared, until that day when I called and Christine answered the phone [...] so much support and help she is like 1,000 mothers - I never thought I would ever get out of this mess... ”
“I used Sleep Well Clinic a few years ago and their support has been flawless ever since. The consultation was professional and thorough, the information provided was concise and clear and the team were polite, happy and friendly. I would highly recommend their services.”
Sleep Well Clinic has tested and treated over 33,000 people throughout Aotearoa New Zealand since we started offering sleep services in 1999.
Call our Clinical Support Team on 0800227533 and let us help you.
START the REST of your LIFE!